Welcome to your personal sanctuary.

You belong here.

Offering Holistic Healing & Spiritual Coaching

  • Emotional, Mental, & Spiritual Health

  • Purpose, Career, Work

  • Family, Relationships, Community

  • Spiritual Connection & Breakthroughs

  • Physical health and nutrition

Why you belong here.

You are a natural leader. People turn to you for support. When you look at your life on paper, you check the boxes. So, why is there a hunger that lives inside of you? Why don’t you feel fulfilled? Somewhere you lost the connection to your truest self and the essence of what lights you up.

You may be drowning secretly in overwhelm and anxiety. A sudden change in your career or relationship ended. Grief and stress are your best friends. Something needs to change, but how and what?

Sometimes we need help to get from point A to point B. Let me step in and be the support you are for everyone else.

I know you. I am you.

“Stephanie offers different perspectives, insights, and guidance without judgement. She is extremely caring and got me out of dark places. She was a rock and my safe space.”


Work with me.

1:1 private healing sessions

You believe you are meant to live a life full of passion, purpose, and miracles.